Monday, July 16, 2012

Dr. Paolo Benedetti, Swimming Pool Expert, Dr. Pool-ology

What does it take to earn a Dr. Pool-ology degree?  Become Certified by the Society Of Watershape Designers (SWD).

But as in any professional trade, someone who has been practicing for decades is usually more proficient than a recently credentialed rookie.  The same applies to the swimming pool design and construction professions.


Obtaining a professional credential involves major investments.  Investments in time, money and lost income.  In business school this is called an "opportunity cost."  The student is foregoing earning income (the lost opportunity) to attend courses, in addition to the travel, lodging, food and course expenses.

But earning a professional credential illustrates to the industry and to consumers that this person is serious about their chosen profession.  They are willing to invest in themselves, in order to provide a better service to their clients.

Society of Watershape Designers
The curriculum of the Society of Watershape Designers is the ONLY accredited program of it's kind in the world.  Though there are a few other programs in the swimming pool industry, none is an accredited program - PERIOD.

Collegiate Level Courses

The courses in the curriculum of the Society of Watershape Designers are taught by college professors, college educated professionals or trades people with decades of experience - many times they are a combination of the above. They are not taught by the sales or marketing staff of a manufacturer.  Each courses requires a passing score on the exit examination - not the mere presence of a warm body playing on their I-Phone.

Course of Study

Just like in college there are mandatory "core" classes, followed by electives.  And like any professional certification, continuing professional education, within or external to the SWD, is required to maintain one's certification.


In the swimming pool industry there is a very select group of individuals who have taken their education and craft lightyears beyond that of their closest peers.  Those individuals are the Platinum Members of the Genesis 3 Design Group.

In addition to possessing their SWD Certification, this select group has demonstrated a track record of exemplary execution in aquatic design.  They have opened the finances of their business to review, provided references from past clients, permitted peer reviews and site inspections of prior projects, submitted plans and photographic documentation as to their construction practices and have pledged their strict adherence to the highest possible standards in design, construction and ethics.

Paolo Benedetti is proud to be a member of the first group of people to obtain their SWD Certification (#009) and a Platinum Member of the Genesis 3 Design Group - since it's inception.

Paolo Benedetti - Aquatic Artist
"Creating water as art."™
Aquatic Technology Pool and Spa